Catching-up with Jackie To (Chapter Next Limited)

This week's Catching-up is with Jackie To, founder of Chapter Next Limited and member of the DutchCham SME Committee. 

Jackie To

Jackie, could you introduce yourself?
My name is Jackie To and I was born and raised in the Netherlands. 

I arrived in Hong Kong some 13 years ago as I wanted to do something completely different, and this adventure took me to CHANEL where I worked for 9 years. This experience was life changing. It was a job focused on Client Engagement & Experience which gave me solid knowledge of the markets in Hong Kong and Macau when it comes to consumer mind. 

What does your company do in Hong Kong?
I started my own company “Chapter Next” during COVID.

Local SMEs were struggling, as a Business Consultant I have helped them to get through this dark time for around 2,5 years. I love to do product development: from inventing new products/services to Brand & Marketing. I always aim for the “Best Client Experience”. One example is a client that I’ve met during DutchCham’s Holly Jolly X-Mas event, we ended up signing a contract in February this year and I have been busy with their Brand & Marketing & Product Development, gave the Brand eco-friendly packaging and from 3 SKU’s we’re currently working on the 33rd new product development (in 4 months we created 30 new products). So I basically offer a full package, but it can always be tweaked to the client’s needs.

What are you currently working on?
I have introduced a new body care line for a new client and a range of glasses and plates with their basic ingredient: Himalayan Pink Salt.

I annually hire interns from low-income families during the summer months. I let them have their own projects where they work on their elevator pitch. I help them to gain know how and to write a whole business plan. To help a generation that doesn’t have access to a network like mine is fulfilling. As Hong Kong is a place where having a solid network will also define your future, and it’s sad to hear that many of these students struggle and have no prospects or even imagining about working at big companies.

What made you decide to become a member of the SME Committee?
When I decided to pursue my dream of owning my own company, I went online to apply for membership at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce. As I reckoned that I could use the support of this established institution, as Dutch entrepreneurship is renowned and being Dutch myself, is seemed a logical step forward. As new members are invited for a coffee with a board member, I was lucky my designated board member was Jeffrey Broer (chair SME committee) and he invited me to join this committee at the end of our coffee session.

I think he saw the entrepreneurship in my eyes, and I have been a member since.

It really helps to go to our SME events (or DutchCham’s events in general) as that’s where you will meet all kinds of entrepreneurs and where opportunities arise. Being active as an SME Committee member, you will gain so much knowledge and contacts that will help with your business endeavours.