Board & Staff

DutchCham Office

Mr. Tom Bakker

General Manager

Mr. René Hengeveld

Marketing and Events Manager

Ms. Michelle Chan

Business Manager

DutchCham Board of Directors

Ms. Frery Winkel

Chairman of the Board

Mr. Quinten Kah

Vice-Chair of the Board and Chairman of the China Committe

Mr. Arend Oldenziel


Ms. Annemarelle van Schayik

Chairman of the PR & PUB Committee

Mr. Harmen Overdijk

Chairman of the Finance Committee

Mr. Bert Bulthuis

Chairman of the SME Committee

Mr. Lapman Lee

Chairman of the ESG Committee

DutchCham Advisory Board

Mr. Maurits ter Kuile


Mr. Paul Zimmerman

Mr. Daniël de Blocq van Scheltinga

Ms. Jennifer Chan

Mr. Michiel Mak

Mr. Erik Bleekrode