Catching-up with Stephane Hasselsweiler (Edelman Asia)

This week's Catching-up is with Stephane Hasselsweiler, Managing Director at Edelman Asia.

Picture of Stephane Hasselsweiler

Stephane, could you introduce yourself?
Based in Hong Kong for almost 22 years, I have been living in Asia for almost 30 years. Passionate about Asia’s way of living, the make it happen Hong Kong spirit and the diversity of people within the region make it a definite place not to be missed. Of course, Asian cuisine is always on my mind with its uniqueness in flavours and spices.

When looking back, I have absolutely no regret of being in Asia since 1996 where I have seen tremendous changes and improvements in companies, transport and culture. 

Passionate about architecture, outdoor activities and nature, I decided to contribute to the redevelopment of an 18th century old property in France and blend the décor in a mix of modern with a twist of Southeast Asia lifestyle, making it a unique destination.


You’re the new Chair of the Sourcing & Trade Committee, what will be your aim/goal for this year? 
Combining forces first in house where we have a strong, long-lasting team but also together with other Chambers where we can make our voice heard and get to work on factual sheets.


How’s the sourcing industry going?  
We can observe some shifts in mindset, though structural changes have yet to take place. It's crucial to stay aware of current trends.


Buyer intelligence is key. Would you consider using AI, or if already using AI, does it make a big difference? 
We are using AI in our marketing, packaging, instructions manuals and more will certainly come shortly. 


As a frequent traveller, how do you keep it up and what is your secret to battle jetlag?
Melatonin and a short night sleep a day before flying so I get adjusted right on arrival.